Zelda Stylize Camp Fire 薩爾達風格營火特效
Youtube影片連結 主要由三組元件構成,依序是火星、營火本體、煙霧。 Here is three elemnts : Fire embers、Camp fire、Smoke。 環境Unity 2018.2.4 及使用 PostProcessing的Bloom。 Amplify shader editor 1.6.7製作Shader。 Substance designer 2018 製作貼圖。 Build in Unity 2018.2.4 with PostProcessing for bloom. Amplify shader editor 1.6.7 for shader. Substance designer 2018 for texture. 營火 Camp Fire 首先說明營火的製作方式,製作一張RGBA通道的貼圖,分別為 R=營火中心、G=營火外圍、BA=營火擾動的雜訊。 In the beginning, we need a texture for shader of camp fire. Included RGBA: R for the center of camp fir、G for the outside of fire、B and A for the distortion. 貼圖導入Unity中須設定成Clamp The texture setting has to be clamp warp mode. 接著開始進行製作營火的Shader, 下面這張圖是此Shader的全貌,基本上只做一件事情就是透過流動貼圖(Flow Map)的概念來實現營火擾動的效果,分為核心營火(R通道)擾動較小及外圍營火(G通道)擾動較大兩組,再將兩者相加來實現火焰的豐富性,最後就是基礎的顏色添加。 Here is the full graph of camp fire shader. The main point is to create the UV distortion within the flow map. I make it to be two value, one is the low distortion work for the center fire (R ch...