
嗨! 大家好~我是在遊戲產業打滾的遊戲特效美術 Ryan,開了這個BLOG試著分享一些點滴心得,歡迎舊雨新知多多指教,如有相關合作事宜也歡迎聯繫洽談。

Hi Everyone! I`m Ryan Zeng, a real-time vfx artist from Taiwan.I start to write and share some idea of vfx R&D and life experience in this blog. Please feel free to contact me for any critique or discuss about collaboration. I appreciate it.

 Please feel free to contact me. Thanks!



Zelda Stylize Camp Fire 薩爾達風格營火特效

Shader: Sin wave trail 波形擺動拖尾效果

群組提問: 關於獲得RIOT面試的分享